Daily Quests and more!

Hello everyone!

      Today I was hard at work on implementing a few new things to keep people engaged! In today's update I have added in 2 new volume sliders, Daily quests, and a few other QOL (quality of life) things!

Daily Quests

     I took most of the day today to work on implementing the first few daily quests, this is something that I really need your feedback on! I am looking for ideas and suggestions based on mechanics that are currently in the game. If you have any ideas please reply here or in the suggestions thread at a later date as you may think of them!

So How Do They Work?

     These are quests that you will be assigned each day you launch the game. Upon completing a quest you will be rewarded with various things such as the premium currency used to unlock new maps, but also potentially in the future to unlock custom tower skins or different game modes. The possibilities here are pretty much endless! To start things off you will get 1 daily quest, each quest will tell you what you need to do and will have a counter to show your progress, once it is completed it will change the quest to say completed and reward you with some of the premium currency. 

List of Daily Quests So Far

1.) Kill 20 enemies

2.) Survive 20 waves without letting an enemy through

3.) Repair a tower for 50 HP

4.) Upgrade a tower range or damage to lvl 3

5.) Kill a thief that is carrying 10 or more stolen gold

     Each of the quests mentioned above will reward you with 10 premium currency currently. Remember to open the game each day to get a new quest and maximize your earnings!

Volume Sliders and other QOL changes

Also included in this update are 2 volume sliders within the options menu. These sliders will change the volume of the background music and the other one will change the volume of the other sound effects in the game! The changes you make to these sliders will be saved when you change them and you will not need to readjust them when you relaunch the game! I also added new text to the shop menu when upgrading towers that will display the current level of each upgrade for the currently selected tower.


2 new volume sliders

Tower upgrade icons with new level counter

     Thank you all for your support! I really hope you like these new changes and am looking forward to bigger and better things for this game in the near future! Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns here on this post or on the general discussions so they may be addressed now before it may become a larger issue down the road.

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